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I. Benchmarking: collection of information on good practices (networking and digital technological structures) for the protection of victims of violence against women, gender and domestic;


II. Contacts with the entities involved in the RNVVD and other national actors (meetings and interviews for awareness and listening): networking for the transfer of knowledge and experiences;


III. Detailed systematization of requirements: stabilization, analysis and reporting of requirements to the platform;


IV. Graphic design and system usability;


V. Development of the digital platform ViViDo and its implementation;


VI. Presentation of the digital platform 'ViViDo' and training actions on its operation.

Menina, com, braços, esticado
TIMELINE_ViViDo_Prancheta 1.png
Mulher Feliz ao Sol


It is also planned to carry out dissemination and information activities on the progress of the project:

We are a family owned and operated business.

  • Sessions with content and products open to the public - 2 webinars exploring themes related to the project, namely, domestic violence , support networks and equality and gender;

  • Presentation of the ViVido digital platform and training actions on how it works with project stakeholders ;

  • Presentation of the project in scientific forums.


In addition, three conferences are planned that constitute milestones of the project , where the progress of the work will be disclosed to all participants involved, including the entities of RNAVVD.


  • Final Meeting Conference


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