Management Platform of the National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence
Working together for an INCLUSIVE Europe

ViViDo Projet 2020-2022
The ViViDo project aims to create a digital platform, as a management tool, that enables systematic and updated knowledge of national and local resources in combating violence against women and domestic violence (VMVD).
The ViViDo platform represents a strategic response to the priorities of the National Support Network for Victims of Domestic Violence (RNAVVD), through which it is intended to achieve the following objectives:
Deepen knowledge about VMVD at the local, regional and national level;
Adapt public policies to different socio-cultural and geographical contexts;
Promote and consolidate the intervention of network services;
Monitor and evaluate policies to prevent and combat HV;
Train RNAVVD services and professionals for an articulate, informed, timely and effective intervention;
Increase the protection and safety of victims.
Partners and stakeholders in the project
The Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality ( CIG) was appointed Operator of the Conciliation and Gender Equality Program , in partnership with the Norwegian Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud ( LDO) , within the scope of the EEA Grants 2014-2021.
The ViViDo project is financed by the EEA Grants through this program, within the scope of the National Strategy for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2018-2030 - Portugal + Equal - and has the following institutions as partners and stakeholders.

NOTE: Women's Institute of Castilla La Manchait did not collaborate directly on the project because Spain is no longer part of the list of countries covered by EEAGrants, however it supported the ViViDo team in its initial stages.
Funding entity

Norwegian Embassy in Portugal:
You EEA and Norway Grants represent Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway's contribution to reducing disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and strengthening bilateral relations with 15 EU countries located in Central and Southern Europe. fundamental values of Europe such as democracy, tolerance and the rule of law.
Promoting Entity

THE IGOT's mission is to promote quality higher education, at the undergraduate, graduate and lifelong training levels, develop research and development activities, spread knowledge and provide specialized technical and scientific advice to the community, in the fields of geography, territorial planning and management, development policies and territorial cohesion, urban planning, the environment, resources and risks, dynamics and socio-spatial organization.
Operator Entity

THE Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality it is the national body responsible for promoting and defending this principle, seeking to respond to profound social and political changes in society in terms of citizenship and gender equality.
Partner Entity
Partner Entity

THE AVINET , created in 2001, is a subsidiary of the Norwegian leader Asplan Viak Group. It specializes in ICT architectures, engineering, infrastructures and databases and development of web solutions. It supports the physical and logical architecture design, operations and maintenance plan, system security architecture, quality assurance and audit results.
Partner Entity

The Center for Geographical Studies (CEG) is an organic research and development sub-unit, integrated into the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT) of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) and enjoys statutory, administrative and scientific autonomy. It is under your coordination and project management that all Tasks will be carried out. Through its experience, IGOT ensures the incorporation of the territorialisation of gender equality, ie through the territorially based information system, database management system, territorial modeling and details that inform the user-friendly design of the platform.

THE NEW FCSH it has experts from the Council of Europe and the Technical-Scientific Council of the CIG, working with this entity for more than 20 years. Through the National Observatory on Violence and Gender, it guarantees knowledge about social inequalities and public action, in particular, in the areas of violence against women, domestic and gender, essential for the development of the requirements and the platform.
Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT, ULisboa)
Margarida Queirós
Faculty of Social and Human Sciences (NOVA-FCSH, ULisboa)
Manuel Lisboa