Anunciamos 3 sessões relacionadas com o tema da da Violência Doméstica.
15 March, 16.30 - 17.45 CET, Violence against women in the public and private spheres: measure it to end it. The importance of data collection and research in combating VAW
17 March 2021, 14:00 – 15:30 CET, Gender-based Violence in the Online World: Emerging Forms, New Approaches, and Youth Prevention Programmes
17 March 2021, from 16.30 CET, Gender Equality and Socio-Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 crisis: Building gender-responsive emergency and recovery measures
Para inscrição e para mais informações aceda ao seguinte link: EIGE at the 65th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) | EuroGender (